Report Id: 2212
Reported By
Feb 18, 1912
Washington, DC
Washington Post Maligns Hinduism, Calling American Women Victims of Hindu Mysticism
In a Sunday Washington DC edition of the newspaper, the Washington Post, on February 18, 1912, prints an article with the headline, “American Women Victims of Hindu Mysticism”. The article targets Swami Abhedananda and a picture showing a white American woman taking the blessings of a Hindu Swami. The caption goes, “Unprecedented activity in proselytizing by Swamis throughout the United States has caused this government to investigate migration of converts to India – Women are forsaking fortunes, homes, husbands and children in their search for “The Perfect Way.””
Date of Incident:
Feb 18, 1912
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Incident Type:
Media Bias, Bias, Bully, Distortion
Media Bias, Bias, Bully, Distortion
Perpetrator Name
The Washington Post
The Washington Post
Perpetrator Specification
50 Hindus
Total Incidents of Media Bias0
No. of Abuse0
No. of Bias0
No. of Bloggers0
Media Bias over 12 month