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Forced Conversion: Love Jihad, Mass Conversion, Assault, Fake Identity
Irshad Ali Fakes Identity as Ishwar, Traps a Hindu girl, Assaults and Forcefully Converts her to Islam

Perpetrator: Irshad Ali Pending Review
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Forced Conversion: Abuse, Honey Trap, Love Jihad
Shoaib Lures a Hindu girl, registers the marriage without her knowledge, Abuse and Force her to Convert to Islam.

Perpetrator: Shoaib Ibrahim Rawat Pending Review
Bardoli, Gujarat
Forced Conversion: Mass Conversion
Principal Azhar Sultana Compels students to wear white dresses and skull caps on the eve of Eid to Influence and Forcibly Convert young students.

Principle Azhar Sultana Urges young students to Disguise in white dress & skull cap to Sway & Convert on Eid

Perpetrator: Azhar Sultana Pending Review
Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Forced Conversion: Love Jihad, Rape, Fake Identity
A Muslim man Fakes Identity as Arun to Trap a Hindu woman, Rapes and Compels her for Forcible Conversion

Lakhimpur, Uttar Pradesh
Forced Conversion: Mass Conversion, Other
Students at BLS international school Forced to offer Namaz during school hours.

Pending Review
Hathras, Uttar Pradesh
Forced Conversion: Abuse
Christian Missionary Lure passersby, Brain Wash to Forcibly Convert them to Christianity.

Pending Review
Forced Conversion: Abuse, Love Jihad
Asad Pressurize and Abuse a Hindu girl for marriage, Compels her to commit Suicide.

Perpetrator: Asad
Khudel, Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Forced Conversion: Abuse, Mass Conversion, Assault
Muslim students Harass, Bully Hindu students by Throwing beef and Compelling them to Forcibly Convert
