Report Id: 2178
Mar 17, 2014
The Atlantic Degrades Holi, calls it festival of drugs.
Many Hindus might consume bhang and find it spiritually meaningful as it is sometimes associated with Mahadev. But the article tries to demean the practice calling Holi a "high" festival and claiming that bhang is essential for sadhus (who are on a different spiritual plane) which would give a bad impression to non-Hindus unfamiliar with the customs.
Date of Incident:
Mar 17, 2014
Incident Type:
Media Bias, Bias
Media Bias, Bias
Perpetrator Name
Ankita Rao
Ankita Rao
Total Incidents of Media Bias0
No. of Abuse0
No. of Bias0
No. of Bloggers0
Media Bias over 12 month